Jersey Numbers

Please note that all 3rd-12th grade teams are automatically entered into our season-ending tournament unless we are notified by February 1st that they do not want to play. This is a single elimination tournament and teams are assigned to brackets based on record across all pods.
7th-12th Tournament
3rd-6th Tournament
As inclement weather is expected this weekend, please familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures. As a reminder, the league does not cancel games unless there is a significant weather event, which may or may not occur on Friday.
Inclement Weather InfoCoordinators and Coaches,
Over the 2 week winter break, we will be evaluating teams to see if they should be moved up or down a level depending on their performance in the first three weeks of the season. During this time all game change notifications will be turned off so all coaches and coordinators should check their schedules once we turn them back on and are finished with our work (an email will be sent out and the front page of the web site will be updated when this happens.)
Please note the following criteria we follow when moving teams and know that this only happens to a handful of teams.
We will be in touch when all changes have been made.
3/6 Update: We will not have enough teams for the Spring Team League. The Spring D (Developmental) League is almost full. Please register today to reserve your spot!
We are pleased to announce TWO spring league options for 3rd-6th grade CPYBL players of all abilities. Back by popular demand is our Spring D (Developmental) League. This league is a combo skill training/team play league where kids will receive high quality instruction from experienced Midwest Basketball Trainers and get to try out their new skills in 3v3, 4v4, and 5v5 games. Our second spring option is our spring team league (similar to our winter league) where teams will get 10 games in 5 weeks. This league allows teams from our winter league to stay together as a team, combine teams, or register as individuals and be placed on a team. All spring leagues will take place at facilities in the centrally-located Sycamore School District on new constructed or re-surfaced courts. Read more below and we hope to see you this spring!
Amerileagues is pleased to announce a partnership with Midwest Basketball Club who will provide expert training in our new Developmental League (D-League). This new spring league is designed for those that want to elevate their game to the next level! We offer elite training from Midwest Basketball instructors.
Basic Information:
Building player foundation by focusing on:
Other Information:
Learn More Register Now (CLOSED)
For those participating in our Adaptive Sports League, please register and pay here for the 2024-25 season. Please choose Adaptive Sports League for the organization on the Liability Waiver. The league will take place at Montgomery Elementary on December 8, 15 and January 5, 12, 19.
UPDATED 2/16 - changes in yellow highlight
The 3rd-6th grade tournament is fast approaching and we have put together a list of preliminary site assignments for the tournament. These will be emailed to all organizations on 2/14. We ask that coordinators confirm these times with the league no later end of day February 16th.
Please note that when a time is listed such as 12pm-6, that means the first game starts at 12pm and the last game starts at 5pm, meaning that we hope the last game ends by 6pm. If you are hosting championship games (as denoted in the last column), medal pickup will be on Friday, February 21st (coordinators will be emailed details). PLEASE make arrangements for someone in your organization to pickup medals that evening.
A few changes have been made since schedule release on Sunday. Please double check your pool schedule before the weekend.You can view the schedule for individual teams by clicking the Schedule button below OR look at the schedule for an entire gym by going to the Schedule menu on the top of the web site. Teams will play 3 round robin games this weekend (please note in pools with an uneven number of teams, one team will play 4 games). Remember this is a scrimmage, scores are not reported, and prizes are not awarded. This is an opportunity to get some work in before the season starts. If you don't see your team, listed, please let us know.
Due to issues we had last year with no shows, any team that does not show for a Preseason Tournament game will not be eligible to play in the Postseason Tournament.
Please read below reminders about the Preseason Shootout as well as playing rules:
Playing Rules
We will be hosting a Holiday Tournament again this year. This tournament will take place from December 27th through December 29th at Elite Athletic Sports Complex. This tournament is open to all 3rd-6th grade boys and girls teams. Click the links below for more information about the tournament, the registration form, and payment links. You must register AND pay for your team to be scheduled in the tournament. Please note that you will be redirected to the payment form at the end of registration.
Tournament Info
The registration period is now closed for 2nd-6th grade teams. 7th-12th grade teams can continue to be registered until November 15th. Please read the following updates about division specific issues we are working through:
This is a reminder that in order for organizations, coaches (head coaches only!), and players to participate in the CPYBL, the league needs to be in possession of online documents that need to be filled out once per school year before games begin. Coordinators and Coaches must be logged into their account to access these forms. All coordinators are well aware of these requirements, there is no communication between the league and the 10,000 parents associated with it. We communicate to our member organizations and it is their responsibility to communicate to their coaches and parents.
There is a matching process that takes place between waivers and rosters based on the last name and birth date of the player. In some cases, the member organization has the incorrect birth date on the roster and it is the responsibility of the member organization to fix this. If you are a parent and have correctly filled out your liability waiver, there is no need to fill out 5 others. Have your member organization check the roster.
Organizations/Coordinators: An Organization Agreement form must be filled out (one per organization). This is available from the Portals->Coordinator menu.
Coaches: Head coaches (not assistants) must fill out an online Code of Conduct form which is available from the Portals-Coach menu. Coaches must be logged into their coach account to access form. Coach accounts are not created until the team registration period is over.
Players: Parents must filled out a Liability Waiver Form once per school year. Without this form, your player is ineligible to play in our league and any team that has a rostered player that does not have a liability waiver completed by Wednesday, December 4th at 5pm will result in a forfeiture of their games for the upcoming weekend.
Thank you to everyone for a fantastic post season tournament. You can access tournament scores here and also view winners on Twitter (@cpybl).
Find My Bracket Physical Bracket Schedule by Bracket Schedule by Gym
Coaches should not reschedule their games, this is a job for coordinators who will work with their coaches. When a game is postponed, both coaches will receive an email from the league based on the email your coordinator used to register your team. If you did not receive an email when a game was postponed or cancelled, please check your junk or spam mail folder or confirm the league has your correct email address.
All parents and coaches should take a moment to read this letter that the OHSAA recently sent to all high schools in the state of Ohio regarding fan behavior at OHSAA-sponsored sporting events. It is a stark reminder the direction fan behavior is heading and how it might affect the ability for children to play in organized sports in the future.
As of midnight on December 31st, rosters were frozen. At that time, the following changes were made to the web site:
Just a quick word about score reporting. The coach of the winning team is responsible for reporting the score of the game within 48 hours of the game being played (please note, scores are not reported for 2nd grade games). Coaches can access score reporting from several places:
Registration for the CPYBL Preseason Shootout AND the CPYBL Preseason Athletic Tournament are Now CLOSED. We have a full tournament so please, no more registrations. More information about the schedule, etc ... will be available by the end of the weekend.
For the 10th consecutive year, we will be offering the CPYBL Preseason Shootout on November 16th and 17th in local area gyms for 3rd-6th grade boys and girls teams of all skill levels. This is a round-robin format (3 games) with no single elimination or bracket play. Cost is $60 per team + ref fees ($35 per game). Registration deadline is November 5th. We are looking for gyms to host this event so if you are interested, please email us and/or add gym time to your availability calendar on our website for that weekend.
In addition, we will also be offering the Amerileagues Preseason Athletic Tournament which is a 3 game guarantee single elimination tournament (2 pool play games followed by single elimination) on November 22nd-24th. We added this option in 2023 for 3rd-6th grade boys and girls athletic teams only. We will offer an A and B division for all grades (athletic C teams are welcome to register and play in the B division. Cost is $60 per team + ref fees ($35 per game). Registration deadline is November 12th. All games will be played at Elite Athletic Sports Complex and other area gyms. More information including schedules can be found on the Ameritourneys web site at:
Coordinators may sign up their teams when registering them for regular season play. We also have a registration page (linked pages earlier in this message) for non-CPYBL teams to register (or CPYBL teams whose organization is not handling their preseason tournament registration). If eligible, teams can play in both tournaments if they'd like.
Here are some reminders about our preseason tournaments:
This information has been sent to coaches and coordinators many times and is on portals but there is still a lack of understanding. In order for a child to play in our league, the coach OR coordinator needs to submit a roster with the child's name on it (this can happen in many number of ways that coordinators are familiar with). The parent or guardian MUST fill out a Liability Waiver and the child cannot play without a waiver. The web site automatically attempts to match the waiver to a roster entry to help coaches and coordinators determine who is eligible to play. We match on organization, player last name, and birth date. We have received many emails asking why our system "doesn't show a waiver being completed when it has". We are not saying the waiver doesn't exist, we are saying the information is different between the waiver and the roster. 99% of the time, the problem is that the birth date OR player last name is different between the waiver and the roster. Coaches (who have edit privileges) AND coordinators can quickly rectify this situation by updating their roster to match the waiver or if the parent filled out a waiver with an incorrect birth date or spelling of their child's last name, they need to submit a new waiver. Coordinators and coaches, PLEASE DON'T ASK YOUR PARENTS TO FILL OUT A NEW WAIVER UNTIL YOU HAVE CHECKED INTO WHY YOU DON'T THINK YOU HAVE IT. Thank you.
The full season schedule is now available (11/27 8:30am). These schedules were reviewed and approved by the coordinators from each organization and feedback was provided to the league before the schedule was finalized. Thank you to all coordinators for their feedback, almost all of which was incorporated into the schedule. Notes about specific divisions (crossover games, etc ...) can be found on the top of the Standings page.
Schedules can be found in a variety of formats from the Standings (click on a team to see schedule), Schedule menu (by Team, by Date, by Gym). If you are a coach, you can also view a pre-filtered version of the schedule which only shows your team from your Coach Portal. Others who created an account on the web site and subscribed to a team or teams, can view those schedules on their Subscriber Portal.
It is important to note that now that the schedule is live, making changes to it will be very difficult. Changes to the schedule will only be granted for a small list of reasons (error made by the league that double-books a team or gym slot, illness, mandatory school event, gym closure, and inclement weather).
A reminder that teams are not eligible to play until their coach has filled out an online Code of Conduct form and all players have a signed liability waiver as submitted on our web site by a parent or guardian.
Thanks and have a great season!
If you are a coach and have a question about your account, PLEASE go to the Coach page and try to do some investigation yourself before emailing the league. Please note that coach accounts are not created until teams are approved (a few days after registration closes!) If you have a coach account from last year, it won't be tied to your new team, again, until after registration closes. Only head coaches are granted coach accounts and it is based on the email address assigned to your team by your coordinator. Also, several of you are asking why you can't find the Coach Portal. The Portals menu at the top of the web site does not show up unless you are logged into your account with coach or coordinator level privileges. Makes sense right? We don't expose menu options to just anybody, you need to be logged into your account that has those options first. Thanks!
A quick word on Coach Code of Conduct. This is a requirement for HEAD COACHES only. If you are an assistant coach, you are NOT granted an account and DON'T need to fill out an online code of conduct form. Coaches, once you login to your coach account, the online code of conduct form is available from the Coach option on the Portals menu.
Please read the following information from the Ohio Department of Health regarding Lindsay's Law which addresses Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth athletes. The law went into effect on August 1, 2017. CPYBL sent an email to all of our member organizations in August to provide guidance regarding how this should be implemented for our member coaches, athletes, and parents. You can read more about Lindsay's Law on the Ohio Department of Health web site: READ ABOUT LINDSAY'S LAW
We have included links to resources below which might be helpful for our members, but please note that it is the obligation of your organization to make sure everyone for their program is trained and in compliance with the Ohio state law.
The following resources were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law:
For parents/guardians and youth athletes:
For coaches:
If you are a coach for an interscholastic sport and are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education, please visit their website for information about their training requirements around Lindsay’s Law.
If you are a coach in a community program, please use the following resources:
If you would like to learn more about the CPYBL, feel free to access any of our informational pages which contain information about our league from the perspective of a coordinator, coach, and parent. Parents, can also fill out their liability waivers right here.
Parents Page Coaches Page Coordinators Page Liablity Waiver
If you'd like an idea how many teams are registering per grade/skill level, click on the button below to view some high-level registration metrics. You can also look at the Standings page once registration is closed. As we approve teams and assign them to pods (for rec teams), they will show up on the Standings page so you can get a better idea who your opponents will be for the upcoming season.
Registered Teams by Grade/Skill Registered Teams by Organization
Please note that teams were assigned to brackets and seeded based on regular season results as of 9pm on Monday, February 10th for the 7th-12th grade tournament. While record is the primary driver of seeding, other factors are taken into consideration including forfeit wins/losses, head-to-head, strength of schedule, as well as trying to avoid first round matchups between teams from the same organization (sometimes this is unavoidable). We tried to reduce travel as much as possible, but this is a city wide tournament and we had very few sites available that were centrally located. Best of luck to all teams in the tournament next week!
You can access the schedule using the buttons below (all games for your bracket are shown by looking at the Physical Bracket or Schedule by Bracket) or there is a Tournament option on the Schedule menu with the same options to all of the tournament information. Please note that all brackets, seeds, and schedules are final.
Find My Bracket Physical Bracket Schedule by Bracket Schedule by Gym
The winning coach should log the game score as soon as possible after the completion of their game. Some tournament sites may offer to log the score for coaches which is nice. When a game score is submitted, it will auto-advance the winning team on the bracket/schedule. Please pay close attention as to who is the home and away team on the score reporting form. Champions and runners-up in each bracket will receive medals which gym supervisors will hand out at the end of the championship game. Please note that these are for players only! 10 medals will be available per team. If you have more than 10 players, please contact the league and we will get them to you the following week.
Please review our league calendar listed above. The following is a list of basic information about our league.
Please read the following information about the CPYBL inclement weather policy and procedures. Gyms used for league games are operated by our member organizations and 3rd party operators. They make the decision to close their gyms and the league in turns communicates those closings to our teams and referees. In the case of an extraordinary weather event, the league may choose to cancel all games. As always, every person/family is in charge of their own safety. If you feel uncomfortable driving, then don't.
Coordinators, if you plan on cancelling games at your facility, we ask that you do so at least 90 minutes before tip-off (if possible) to give everyone (players, parents, coaches, and referees) adequate lead time. You can cancel games at your gyms by emailing, text messaging or calling Doug or Ben if you would like the league to cancel the game. Games at third party locations such as Elite Athletics would be cancelled by that third party location who in turn notifies the league. If you have games scheduled at one of these facilities, please note that they do not often shutdown their facility.
The first important piece of information to remember is that our member organizations make the decisions regarding whether or not games will be played at their gymnasiums. This is not a league decision, it is a member organization decision with the exception of some very rare cases (think blizzard) which we hopefully won't have this year! We have provided tools to organization coordinators as well as to coaches, players, and their families to help speed up the decision making and notification process so that everyone can be made aware of a game postponement as early as possible and can plan the rest of their day and not find out a game is being cancelled while they are driving to the game. Please note that the term "postponed" indicates that the game will not be played at the current time and location listed for that game but that it may be rescheduled for a future date. If a game is marked as "cancelled", that indicates that the game will not be played and will not be rescheduled.
As a coach or family member of a player, you can find out about a game postponement or cancellation in the following ways: